Wednesday, September 2, 2009

You gotta fight for your right (to vote for a political) party

I started off this blog with an election rant and no less than five months later I find myself taking to the web, yet again, over the issue of a Canadian election.

Michael Ignatieff has announced that his party will not support Harper's conservatives for the fall session of parliament. This could lead, potentially, to an election. If the NDP decides to support to governement, there is a chance that there would not be an election and while Layton claims to seriously consider this option - as no one believes another election is good for our economically reeling country - it seems that the reality of another election is staring us Canucks in the face. The NDP will support the conservative government so long as Harper and co agree to work with the NDP to accomplish certain goals and stipulations as outlined by the NDP. Unfortunately, as both parties sit on near opposite sides of the Canadian political spectrum, the NDP would likely find themselves later disappointed if they did indeed support Harper in a confidence vote now. If they don't fool themselves or if Harper gives himself away, they will vote against Harper and we are off to the polls!

What to say? What to do? Well firstly, I will stress the most important thing about an upcoming election. YOU NEED TO VOTE. Our last election was shameful, having the lowest voter turnout at less than 60% of eligible Canadian voters. Enthusiasm has been consistently low since Harper won his minority government back in 2005, but what we must understand is that without the support of voters, we will be subject to a vicious cycle of minority governements who hold little to no power, who are constantly being toppled and hence, we are constantly subject to money burnin' federal elections.

I understand, it hurts. What seems like constant campaigning, a plethora of signage cluttering up the country and the childish mudslinging which ALL our recent party leaders and members have succumbed to. But this is democracy. If you would rather not care about what was happening and have decisions made for you - perhaps you are better suited living under a dictatorship? Democracy only works when the people with the power make use of this power - and in the case of elections? The power is in the hand of the voter!

Let us end this cycle of minority governments by rallying together and finding support for the best party. Let us open our ears and listen to the arguments, let us read the various platforms and policies and come to our own informed decisions about who we want to run this country, to make decisions for Canada and Canadians. Voting makes the greatest statement, by forfeiting this right you are forfeiting the greatest privilege of a free democratic citizen. Believe that your vote will make a difference and understand that change can come!

The no confidence vote can (and will) be introduced at any time when parliament returns for the fall session on September 14th. Canadians will wait with baited breath to see what the outcome of such a vote is.

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