Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Entourage is Fatigue. (and no, I don't mean PHatigue).

I just caught the latest episode of HBO's smash hit "Entourage". Admittedly, during the early seasons, I enjoyed the program - though I had to put my own feminist inclinations aside to swallow some of the horrendous verbal slander agaisnt women (and visual, plenty of visual). I appreciated the fact that the show, like many of HBO's programs, was edgy and clever and perhaps was even highlighting the hegemonic social paradigms that women face, especially in "Hollywood". I reasoned that one of HBO's other hits, Sex and the City, didn't do men any favours - indeed, it perpetuated stereotypes of men as either sex hungry, unfaithful goons or overtly sensitive deebs.

And here we are, smack in the middle of the latest season of Entourage. Aside from little to no plot line, it seems every female character in the program is either a jealous shrew or a fame whoring one night stand. It used to be somewhat laughable that Vincent Chase so confidently bedded ladies but he used to form some meaningful relationships (didn't he?) in there somewhere, making the obligatory T&A shot obsolete.

With the exception of Perry Reeves' character, Mrs. Ari Gold, it seems all the current female characters (who last more than the Vincent Chase lay) are representations of needless misogyny. They are jealous, possessive and conniving. All the while, the boys come off looking like superstars with the ultimate dreamlife.

Entourage o Entourage, where has the cleverness gone? Me thinks it is time HBO put this senseless sexist show out to pasture.


  1. Agreed. The only response is that they are doing it in an ironic way to highlight another such ridiculous stereotype of women, but I think that is a stretch. I particularly dislike how Jamie Lynn is positioned as a vulnerable, needy girlfriend despite the fact that she is successful, independent, super hot, famous, and way out of turtle's league? Pretty out of character...the best thing about her was that she was so chill and laid back and that turtle appreciated her (now it seems to have gone to his head). Do we really need another sloppy fat dude paired with a trophy wife whom he needlessly disrespects (a la every crappy sitcom...like king of queens, not that I've ever watched it but I think that's what it's about). There's my rant for ya!

  2. What about Sloan? Or Barbara Miller? They are strong female figures on the show.

    The men are shallow, so they attract shallow women.

  3. I will concede the second point to a certain degree - and maybe even take Sloan.

    But Barbara Miller's character represents a whole different level of female in business world stereotype that has grown rather tired throughout the show
