Friday, July 31, 2009

Remember when Nick asked Jessica for a Hummer?

Hummers - the car, of course. Or is that even considered a car?? It is a ridiculous space consuming mass of metal and I truly cannot fathom why any person in downtown Toronto (or in the 'burbs - you know who you are!) would need one of these vehicles. Weren't they developed for the US army!?

Honey don't need desert storm technology to drive to the grocery store!

I saw a woman driving her kids to soccer in a hummer! I couldn't believe my eyes! Where was the soccer game, Kuwait?!

I decided to research the hummer (puhhh-lease save me the asshole jokes). I came across the astounding statement that the new hummer is GREENER - whaaaaaaat?? A hybrid hummer?! Isn't that an oxymoron?? Like...freezer burn?!

Even if you have a blatant disregard for the environmental implications of such a car, why would you spend so much money on fuel for such a big, hideous machine when you could be driving a nicer one!? Those babies will run you up to 50,000 bones with all the fuel costs on top! I won't even bother naming all the other (smaller, more fuel efficient) luxury vehicles you could own for that price.

If we are truly facing a global environmental crisis, I say ban the HUMMER!

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