Friday, July 31, 2009

Remember when Nick asked Jessica for a Hummer?

Hummers - the car, of course. Or is that even considered a car?? It is a ridiculous space consuming mass of metal and I truly cannot fathom why any person in downtown Toronto (or in the 'burbs - you know who you are!) would need one of these vehicles. Weren't they developed for the US army!?

Honey don't need desert storm technology to drive to the grocery store!

I saw a woman driving her kids to soccer in a hummer! I couldn't believe my eyes! Where was the soccer game, Kuwait?!

I decided to research the hummer (puhhh-lease save me the asshole jokes). I came across the astounding statement that the new hummer is GREENER - whaaaaaaat?? A hybrid hummer?! Isn't that an oxymoron?? Like...freezer burn?!

Even if you have a blatant disregard for the environmental implications of such a car, why would you spend so much money on fuel for such a big, hideous machine when you could be driving a nicer one!? Those babies will run you up to 50,000 bones with all the fuel costs on top! I won't even bother naming all the other (smaller, more fuel efficient) luxury vehicles you could own for that price.

If we are truly facing a global environmental crisis, I say ban the HUMMER!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Deal or No Deal?

When it comes to the Canadian justice system, people have a lot to say (and complain about, apparently).

Personally, I am proud of the fact that we do not use Capital Punishment in this country because, for so many reasons, it simply does not work. Many believe in the mentality of 'an eye for an eye' but I am more partial to the camp that 'an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind' (thank you, Gandhiji). Aside from the many moral deliberations behind execution, financially it is more costly because the countless appeals that inevitably take place, not to mention the cost of execution itself which is a pretty penny. Furthermore, I cannot fathom how death is a punishment. I am constantly challenged on this - "you think Paul Bernardo deserves to LIVE?" Well, no...but I don't believe he deserves to die because that would be giving a man like him the easy way out. Bernardo thrives off brutality, rape and misogynistic torture - these things are his passion. There may be no greater punishment for any human than taking away their exercise of passion and I truly believe he is tortured daily by the fact that he will never, ever again be able live his desires.

So if life in prison isn't my issue, what is? How about the deal with the devil. When someone brings up Paul Bernardo, my first thought turns to Karla Homolka. Most people are aware of the specifics on what happened with our justice system during the Bernado/Homolka trial and I, like most others, believe this was one time our justice system failed us. Not only did the woman assist and enable Bernardo in raping and killing two young girls, but she also assisted in his rape of her OWN SISTER (which also resulted in death). Homolka makes a deal with the prosecution to give the videos of the girls' murders and she gets a measly twelve years in prison. Unfortunately, the videos showed that Homolka partook in the action much more than earlier anticipated. Contrary to the popular argument, Homolka was no victim. She was a sociopath who found another one and while this attraction is rare it does happen more than once.

Admittedly, my blood still boils thinking about this horrific mistake. But what is done is done and nothing will change the poor decision made by the prosecution in 1993. Flash forward to 2009 and today we received the sad news that the remains of Victoria Stafford were found outside of Guelph. I have been following this story lately because I am curious and nervous to see if another deal with the devil is in the works. Terri-Lynne McClintic and Michael Rafferty are the two accused of both kidnapping and murdering the young girl, though the video evidence clearly shows McClintic leading the young girl away from her school. It is all too similar to the Bernardo/Homolka dynamic. Most terrifying is the prospect that because McClintic "aided" police on a helicopter search of where she believed Stafford's body to be, she may possibly receive less of a harsh sentance - another stark similarity to Homolka.

I am crying out, for the sake of Victoria Stafford's memory, that there be no deal made for McClintic. In the end, she did not help the police at all and probably enjoyed the helicopter joyride before resuming her life in prison. I will be appauled if the prosecution even considers giving that woman a deal - because at the end of the day it was she who is seen on the security video leading the young girl away, leading the young girl to her death.

We need to learn from our mistakes. The families of Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy have to continue living knowing that Homolka lives her life normally, has children and works a normal job - everything their daughters would too be doing, if they were spared their from their cruel fate. I hope that the Canadian justice system does not fail Victoria Stafford's family in the same way.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Why Unions and Recessions Don't Mix.

I want to preface this rant with a bit of background information on myself. I am somewhere in between Liberal and NDP, certainly have a lean towards the Left. I mostly have nothing but support for the rights and protection of workers. This being said, when it comes to strikes, I sit on the fence. Everything depends on time and place. And I have little tolerance for greed - from unions or from governments. Think twice about who you are hurting before you walk out on your job.

Okay....Couldn't not go here for the first official rant of the blog.

This strike in Toronto is really starting to grind my gears. For many reasons. Sooooo many reasons!

Today is DAY 18 of the labour dispute which has been plaguing the city of Toronto. It is bringing out the ugliest in Torontonians - the garbage the is piling up on the streets and in the numerous dump sites is enough to make the strongest willed stomach queasy. It is baffling! The amount of garbage our city is producing is embarrassing, not to mention disgusting. Having recently returned from India, many people asked me about the "cleanliness conditions" which I experience. Hell yes there is a lot of garbage in India (aside from the fact there are ONE BILLION PEOPLE THERE) but there is not more garbage in India than in Canada - we are just much better at hiding the stuff in the ground. But no more, our dirty little secret is out and the whole world knows or at least those who are visiting us. I am saddened by the dump site along the lakeshore west, which would be a primary entry root from Pearson into the downtown core. As a resident of this glorious city I was horrified, imagine what an impressionable tourist would think! I am even more saddened by the garbage pillin' and stinkin' up the downtown core.

Aside from this whole garbage mess, the children of Toronto are high and dry - literally! Most the pools in the city are closed, a whole whack of recreational programs are canceled and the city daycares are on strike. How ridiculously selfish can you get? This is only one aspect of this strike that outrages me. The list of affected services is astounding - from availability of wedding chambers to public libraries to animal services! The FERRY to the Toronto Island has stopped, imagine the implications of such a thing on the businesses of the island. (Or read this)

What really gets me is the whole reason this strike is happening in the first place. Canadian Local 79 and Union 416 are asking for job security, better pay raises and secure benefits. They are holding off until they are ensured their demands are met (David Miller's offer today of a 2009 freeze and 2010 1% increase was rejected). It is a very similar story we hear from city workers every few years or so...the difference is that this year we are plum smack in the middle of a RECESSION...say it with me now, folks:

R-E-C-E-S-S-I-O-N! R-E-C-E-S-S-I-O-N! R-E-C-E-S-S-I-O-N!

Or did I just imagine that whole media whoring, election causing (and near election causing), job costing, salary cutting, house losing, United States economy crushing global recession? Of course a union wants job security, EVERYBODY wants job security! You are asking for pay raises in a time when people are having to accept pay cuts in order to keep their jobs! It is astounding, truly, that the union would choose the poorest possible time to gain public support for their strike. Hell, they could write the book on pissing off Torontonians. The Canada Day fireworks were canceled! The unions gambled on taking advantage of an NDP Mayor, David Miller, who they know is a supporter of workers' rights and union protection. Frankly though, the City of Toronto is broke as a joke anyway, not to mention is falling victim to the recession fears...he ain't gonna budge much on giving you want you want.

I find my Indira Gandhi side coming out when I imagine what I would do if I was Mayor...
Fire 'em all and privatize everything. And if people have a problem with me cutting jobs during a global recession, I'll remind them why you can't strike for job protection during one and try to shut down a city.

I know Miller will not and cannot ever do something like that though, and I am petrified at what this means for Toronto and the summer of 2009. Enter the Provincial Liberals and Mr. McGuinty...time to exercise a little bit of back to work legislation.

In the mean time, my advice to the Unions: the only bigger mess you will have to clean up when you go back to work than the hundred of piles of garbage is the public perception of you. So buck up and wise up!

For more information on the strike, visit:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

142 and going strong!


Today is the 142nd birthday of our home and native land Canada.

No rant necessary today, but I would like to pass on an excellent article written by Rick Mercer about being Canadian...(from the Metro Newspaper I found on the Go Train the other day - it still did the trick, I love Ricky!) So enjoy.

"Being Canadian means being lucky.

There are almost seven billion people on this planet and we make up around 33 million of them.

The odds of a random citizen on this earth being Canadian is about half of one per cent. It’s a long shot that delivers a hell of a jackpot. A citizenship, that for most of us, cost nothing to acquire, but yet is our most prized possession.

Being Canadian means we have freedom of mobility. If you want to change your name to a symbol and move to British Columbia — you wouldn’t be the first, you won’t be the last.

Being Canadian means we can worship whoever and however we want.

Which is why when we meet a member of the worldwide church of the Raelians (who worship a holy trinity of UFOs, extraterrestrials, and tantric sex), we shrug and say each to their own.

Being Canadian means that if your finger comes into contact with a band saw, you pop it in a plastic bag along with some ice, and it gets sewn back on for free.

Being Canadian means that in some places there is now a five cent surcharge for shopping bags to encourage cloth bags.

Don’t use these for a severed finger. In that case, pay the nickel and go with plastic.

Being Canadian means we are each protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

In Canada, Harold can marry Samantha, Carol can marry Johann and Ahmed can make an honest man out of Frank.

Being Canadian means you can vote.

And when we do, governments come and governments go — and yet not a single shot is fired.

Which is appropriate because in our nation’s capital, the Canadian flag flies proudly over a tower that we named Peace."*


*Referenced from Metro Newspaper, 29/06/09. Mercer, Rick.